Saturday, May 14, 2011


Today I was in Holt Alabama, Helping give out supplies, to the people that live in a disaster zone.  It was awesome,  People were coming out of the wood work.  from the smiles to the thanks and blessing, it showed be that I am were I am suppose to be.  We made so many people happy, and it was cool the We are T Town was able to get the press to follow us around.  These people are amazing and have endured so much pain and loss.  I could not count how many people we were able to help today.  It was wonderful.
Much Props to Michelle and Lauren for being able to get the supplies from many donors in Oklahoma.  This is why I am here.  The next step is to make this place sustainable.  People need to get their life back on track and find jobs, repair their homes and lives, and get back to a form of normal.
Yesterday was probably to most difficult time here yet.  I Found myself pulling night watch for FAT BABYS, right in the heart of the devastation. awoke to the sound of a man I know from the shelter calling for his last two dogs (the other two were shot).  The Humane Society Helped him, and today he was able to take them for a walk, I was able to help Mr Paige clean up a bet, and found out he weathered the tornado by hiding in a Bath tub and a wall that fell on him protected him and his Chow mix.
That afternoon, like every day, I volunteered at the Red cross, and as I walked past a man wearing a hat with a star on it , told me to "Stop and sit down".  I did.  He told me that as I was passing, God had hit him upside the head and needed to pass on a message to me that I was doing a great thing.  We sat and talked for a couple, and all my doubts washed away.  I have been missing Heather, Josie, friends, family, and my most beautiful Colorado a lot.  Jarome, the man I spoke with, made me realize that I am were I a suppose to be, and that All that I am doing is for the betterment of all.  Those that know me, Know I am not a religious man, but I can tell you one thing I am becoming a very Spiritual Man.  There has to be something greater then us at work in our lives.  The people that believe in God here seem to have such a stronger sense of understanding and calmer bliss to them.
I Know I am helping and making a difference in the lives of people.  I feel like this experience has been like having three full time jobs, but a full heart is better then an empty one.
Thank You Alabama and all those that are supporting me.   

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